If you’re a dog trainer hoping to become more of a CEO in your business, then read on.

I’ll explain what we’re doing to help dog trainers get out of the grind and focus on growing their business and taking great care of their clients.

In this doc I’ll explain what this offer is, who it’s for, and who it is NOT for…

Two things happened last week.

1- I was putting the finishing touches on a workshop I’m running for 10 dog trainers next month.

My wife had a contribution.

She has gone back to college for a Business Management degree and she’s written our company handbook.

She spent dozens of hours on the handbook and then hired a consultant to help finish it off.

We’re giving that handbook to people in the workshop as something they can model for their own business.

My wife was actually a little upset that the trainers were going to get ALL of that work for a small fee that they paid for the workshop.

Not only that, she saw all of the other processes they were getting; our sales process, our marketing processes, all of our million dollar ads, our process for onboarding new trainers, our customer service processes, our payment plan processes and more.

She didn’t think it was fair they got 20 years of our work and over $100k of consulting for the low fee they were paying.

Of course she really is happy, but it’s kinda like ‘dang, this is a LOT for what people are paying.’

2- We set up a trainer with a brand new business in Northern California.

The trainer had been working with us and managing one of our branches for three years but it was time to move on to a different part of the state.

So we set up a brand new business for him.

Website, funnels, marketing, gave him our sales process, started running ads for him, calling the leads for him, everything.  He just needs to sell and train.

And in the first week he sold two private programs and a board and train.

$6900 of training in his first week.

And this isn’t the first time we have done this.

A few months earlier we had set up another business like this in the Central Valley of California that has a run rate of $16k a month for the first three months of being up and running as of writing this.

A few months before that we had set up another business like this in North Carolina and started out at a 6 figure run rate from month one.

And we’ve done the same thing several other times in Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, and other locations.

This is not to mention our own million dollar business in Utah, and other clients we’ve helped across the country.  Not to mention our location in California that did $600k in the first year with zero presence, contacts, or referral partners.  

Not to mention many of whom we’ve helped add $100k or more in their first year of working with us.

What I’m getting at, we’ve really developed some great processes that work anywhere in the country.