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The Price for This Program Will Appear Here in…

Our Current Special

is $199 a Month.

No Contracts.

Cancel Whenever.


There are several great marketing experts in the dog training field.

There is currently no one in dog training that is geared at sales training and automations like we are.

We find that many of our clients have worked with, or continue working with, other marketing experts and what we do compliments many of them a lot.

Running a business is hard!

I’ve personally invested six figures in coaching and marketing experts over the last several years.

I use what’s great from each one and find myself climbing over new hurdles as I go.

So working with multiple coaches is not a bad thing and what we do will only add, not conflict.

We’ve successfully taught our sales system to young trainers right out of high school, past clients who want to work for us, middle aged women with no sales experience, and more.

We can teach you, too.

If you can’t get the system to work for you that’s where we have our guarantee that we’ll work extra on our own dime to get the system working for you.

That’s fine.

Our pricing stays the same, however, because of all the sales training, accountability, and because we share with you the scripts and processes we use with the software.

If you wish to cancel your membership elsewhere so that you can use the software with us we can help you migrate everything at no cost after you’ve signed up.

There are several parts of this membership that, as a stand alone, are worth your investment in this program.

If all you could do was get just ONE extra, high ticket, client per month this club would be well worth your while.

Not only would it be worth your while from a financial standpoint, but think of all the time and energy you can get back by using our automations.